Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I'm still at it

I haven't had time to blog, but I'm still on track. I'm pleased to report I'm down 6 lbs after the first week! *pause to allow for applause*. My colleague and good friend keeps referring to what I'm doing as a diet. By refusing to eat certain foods he says, well you can't stick to your diet 24/7 you'll end up going on a binge. And of course my 6 lb weight loss is attributed to me must have cut back on calories or fat. No.... You don't understand, I'm not on a "diet", and I haven't cut back, I eat way more now than I was and I eat way more fat than I ever did. Way more! You see by eating foods that the body was designed to eat, I'm giving the my body what it needs for fuel and to increase my metabolism. I'm eating the minerals and fats, and vitamins that my body needs and knows what to do with. I still don't think he gets it.

So I won't list out my entire meals and menus I will highlight a few of my favorite meals I've had over the last few days.

Chicken Tacos
marinate raw chicken pieces in fresh lime juice and sea salt
2 tbsp of coconut oil in a wok type frying pan
add to frying pan
2 cloves chopped garlic
chopped cilantro
add chicken breast pieces
add more fresh lime juice
simmer till chicken is cooked
lay down 2 or 3 pieces of green leaf lettuce on a plate
sprinkle on some grated raw organic cheese
add slices of fresh avocado
wrap up in lettuce and enjoy!

1 spaghetti squash, halved and seeds removed
add to a frying pan
2 tbsp olive oil
half onion diced
3 cloves of garlic (I love garlic) chopped
red pepper diced
fresh oregano
let simmer till veggies are clear
add 1 can organic, no additives, crushed tomatoes
add any other spies you want, I only used the oregano and sea salt
let simmer for a while, not to long as you don't want all your "sauce" to evaporate
scoop out cooked squash on to a plate, top with sauce, grate some raw organic parmesan on top
This was mega delicious!

that's all for now, I'm off to work!

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